Despite some discomfort living in the brackish waters of the Lake of Dragons, these conserva¬tive, somewhat skittish elves associate little with the other Serosian races for fear of being exterminated.
In general, these sea elves are as approachable as any elves are with humans, and they seem willing to trade with the surface. Other settlements of Naramyr include the artisans' city of Nalufaen twenty-five miles south of and 210 feet below Marsember, and Corsuor, a small town in only 125 feet of water ten miles north of Teziir's harbor. Starting in the Dragonmere off the coast of Cormyr, we enter Naramyr, a sea elf realm entirely contained within the lower depths of the 'lake.' Telvanlu, its capital, sets about 200 feet deep in the western lake about thirty miles due north of Ilipur on the Dragon Coast.